Sunday, January 6, 2008

Broga Happy Fruit Land Camping

In December 07, our regular group that exercise regularly doing hill climbs around Broga Happy Fruit Land, as we were having our dinner and suddenly we had this idea about camping at Broga Happy Fruit Land to celebrate the new year 2008 by having a count down at Broga Happy Fruit Land. Most of our friends and their children have never gone camping unlike myself who does it regularly a few times a year.

I was thinking that camping at Broga Happy Fruit Land was safe and convenient as water and electricity was available. And to make it more interesting we decided to have barbecue for the countdown. As preparations were being made with our three chef (Alice, Ah Chu and KC) on food for dinner, barbecue and breakfast. Our plan was to meet at Broga Happy Fruit Land on the eve 31st Dec 2007 around 3.00 pm, set up the tents and start climbing Broga Hill at 5.00 pm, with all the food planned its a good idea to burn if off climbing Broga Hill.

As regular hill climbers here for the last 4 years, I have set the trail namely two well trek trails, one at Broga Rock Temple and the other at Broga Happy Fruit Land. As more people come to join us some will do their climb at Broga Rock Temple and some at Broga Happy Fruit Land. Both are averaging 1 to 1.5 hours to climb for the young and old. Our youngest friend is around 6 years and the oldest my mom at 70. So anybody (unless with severe health problem) can follow this trail. One of the main attractions climbing is that the air here is fresh and clean as compare to parks near the city area where once I did light training in preparation for Gunung Tahan climb and later in the night my throat felt congested probably from the polluted air. If you have plans to go camping (3 to 7 nights) and need some good training areas why not try Broga hills. Word got out to other friends that we were organising a camping countdown and a family affair and our group swell to about 35 participants, about 6 left as they plan to stay until 1.00am 2008.

To entertain ourselves we sang karaoke songs throughout the night and for those who dislike our singing entertain themselves with stories and jokes and barbecue and as for children they really had a good time with the barbecue and playing around the tents. There was a light shower which actually cool down the area making it chilly, just nice for us.

As the hour tick closer to New Year 2008 we began noting the time and by then everyone's belly was bloated with food (over indulging) and plan for another climb early next morning (of course next morning everyone was too lazy to get up). Fifteen seconds left, turn up the radio 5..4..3..2..1.. Happy New Year 2008!!! and instead of playing and singing Auld Lang Syne we played Chinese New Year songs, nevertheless we just clap, dance and sing along having a good time. What a wonderful way to spend with family and friends to ushered into the New Year.

Finally to bed err.. I mean to 'sleeping mat' at around 2.30pm for some who have never experience camping find it hard to sleep until much later. As I lay down I was thinking 2008 what kind of resolutions do I want to set. Most people set resolutions every new year then again most people never achieve what they set. Thoughts went through my mind, about the impending price increase (consumable goods), election year, increase in expenses (children growing up) and schools reopens in a few days and more money to spend. So my resolution for 2008 is to be a good son, a better father, a better husband, a better friend and to increase my income (almost everyone wish for this) not that it will solve all problems but at least some of the financial ones. So......


and May You Have Fun, Happiness and Success!!!!


  1. Definitely a great place to go to~~peaceful life.
    By the way, I took some of the picture from this post for email information purpose,is it alright??

  2. Hi JW,

    Sure you can use all the pictures that you need. Glad you enjoy Broga Happy Fruit Land
