Thursday, December 6, 2007

Er Hu Chinese Violin, Chan Kum Loong

I visited a friend in Shah Alam and he invited us for dinner and mentioned that his Er Hu teacher (Mr. Chan Kum Loong) will be joining us and after that maybe play us a song or two. After a casual introduction we found out that he once taught Er Hu in SMJK Yu Hua Kajang. He spoke passionately about music and his Er Hu, we finished dinner and proceeded back to my friend house. He insisted that before he play his Er Hu he would like to hear KC sing a song which she obliged with a chinese number by Teresa Teng. And I requested that he allowed me to video him playing his Er Hu. Ah Loong as he is known, sometimes get invited along with some of his friends to perform usually for dinner functions such as birthday and etc.

I did a search on the internet and I found out that Er Hu has over a thousand year history. Er Hu is a kind of violin (fiddle) with two strings which, together with zhonghu, gaohu, sihu, etc, belongs to the "huqin" family. It is said that its origin dated back to the Tang dynasty (618-907) and related to the instrument, called xiqin originated from a Mongolian tribe Xi. During Song dynasty (960-1279), the second generation of the huqin was among the instruments played at the imperial banquets. During the Dynasties of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911), the Er Hu underwent a great development at the time of the golden age of the local operas. The Er Hu then developed into different "schools". Two famous artists Hua Yanjun (1893-1950) and Liu Tianhua (1895-1932) made an exceptional contribution to the improvement of the Er Hu, and it was indeed due to the latter that the erhu, an instrument mainly for accompaniment in an opera, became a solo instrument. After the formation of the People's Republic of China (1949), the production of the Er Hu, the playing techniques, the repertoire as well as the musical education of this instrument have undergone an unpresidented development. The repertoire has grown rapidly in the genres of solo, with ensemble as well as concerti with symphony orchestra. Er Hu now has become one of the most popular instruments in China.

Teresa Teng Song

The sound body of the Er Hu is a drum-like little case usually made of ebony or sandalwood and snake skins. It usually has a hexagonal shape with the length of approximately 13 cm. The front opening is covered with skin of python (snake) and that of the back is left open. The functions of this case of resonance are to amplify the vibrations of the strings. The neck of the Er Hu is about 81 cm long and is manufactured with the same materials as the drum. The top of the stem is bent for decoration. The two strings of the Er Hu is usually tuned D and A. The two tuning handles (pegs) are found close to the end of the stem. There is no frets (as contrast to the lute) or touching board (as contrast to violin). The player creates different pitches by touching the strings at various positions along the neck of the instrument. The strings are usually made of silk or nylon. Nowadays, metal strings are commonly used. The bow is 76 cm long and is manufactured of reed which one curves during cooking and arched with horse hair in the same way as the bow of violin. However, in the case of Er Hu, the horse's hair runs between the two strings. One cannot take off the bow from the instrument unless one of the two strings is taken off or broken. (the above is extracted from

I was amazed with the song played on the Er Hu and it felt as if some part of my body move along with the rhythm, well if you have the opportunity to listen live you will understand what I mean.

Teresa Teng Song

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mid-Autumn Festival, Moon Cake and Lantern Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival (Simplified Chinese: 中秋节; Traditional Chinese: 中秋節; pinyin: zhōngqiūjié), also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular East Asian celebration of abundance and togetherness, dating back over 3,000 years to China's Zhou Dynasty. In Malaysia and Singapore, it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or "Mooncake Festival", which is just the same as "Mid-Autumn Festival" but with different names.

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar (usually around mid- or late-September in the Gregorian calendar), a date that parallels the Autumn Equinox of the solar calendar. This is the ideal time, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, to celebrate the abundance of the summer's harvest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in the Chinese calendar (the other being the Chinese Lunar New Year), and is a legal holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. Accompanying the celebration, there are additional cultural or regional customs, such as:

  • Eating moon cakes outside under the moon
  • Putting pomelo rinds on one's head
  • Carrying brightly lit lanterns
  • Burning incense in reverence to deities including Chang'e
  • Planting Mid-Autumn trees
  • Lighting lanterns on towers
  • Fire Dragon Dances

Shops selling mooncakes, before the festival, often display pictures of Chang'e floating to the moon. .... for more on this please click on this link

As I remember during our childhood days, every year around this time we would make our own lanterns made from "Milo" tins and sometimes from bamboo and color paper. The "Milo" tins were definitely fire proof. And in the night we would walk around the neighborhood for hours and it was safe to do so. In present time, I don't think it is safe to do so unless you have a big group. Anyway my family attended a Mid-Autumn Festival and potluck gathering organized by Kajang Buddhist Center at Jalan Reko, Kajang. The various food from many participants was delicious. The events included best dress in three categories (traditional dress) which is Indian , Malay and Chinese. Followed by the Lantern Making competition using recycle materials. Various Chinese tea was served. The highlight of the evenings was a lantern walk around the place which covers about 1.5km.

Click on the above for a slide photo display

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lat Tong, Kajang Claypot Spicy Soup, Kajang Food

Location of Lat Tong and other areas of Kajang Town
Courtesy of Yu Hua School Kajang

Years ago I was told that Kajang's clay pot "Lat Tong" (hot spicy soup of chicken or pieces of pork meat) originated from Semenyih and spread to Kajang and after that it became popular. This Kajang food is a very popular dish. I did not have the opportunity to verify their origins. I have tried the "Lat Tong" at a few places but somehow felt that this little side restaurant located at Jalan Mendaling tasted very good. If you are coming from Maybank Kajang, go past the right angle turn and notice a side lane on the left, you will notice two eatery shops where the first sells noodles and the second is the "Lat Tong" but both do not display any noticeable shop names.

This "Lat Tong" should not be mistaken for the normal hot pepper soup but instead uses lots of ginger and other ingredients. Also available is the clay pot "Fah Tiew Kai" (chicken in special sauce) and clay pot "Chee Keok Shin" (sour pork leg). On the 7th of September 2007, three friends, two from Ipoh and one from KL en route to Malacca to attend a Shaklee Advanced Leadership Seminar stop by in Kajang to have "Lat Tong" for breakfast. They have heard about it from me and were eager to taste them.

There were 5 of us so we ordered "Lat Tong", "Fah Tiew Kai" and "Chee Keok Shin" to go with rice, KC ordered porridge. After a few bites, everyone commented that it tasted very good. The chef of this delicacies is uncle Tony, he looks more like a Kung Fu master than a cook and he speaks English besides the various Chinese dialects. He has operated this shop for 9 years this coming November. Incidentally this shop is known as Hong Kong Lat Tong (in Mandarin) that was given by some patrons years ago. So when some guest came from Hong Kong and commented they have not heard of it in Hong Kong.

Next time you are around either for breakfast or lunch why not try the Kajang Famous "Lat Tong" dish.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Old Buildings, Architectures and Structures in and around Kajang Town


It is always our habit of driving or walking at relatively fast pace through town. Only if you were to spare some time walking slowly and looking up at the structures and designs of the old shop houses along Jalan Sulaiman, Jalan Besar, Jalan Tukang and Jalan Mendaling, you will notice artistic design and year of construction displayed at the buildings. Most of the buildings in “Kajang Old Town” were constructed around 1920s to 1930s. The architecture of these shop houses is a combination of traditional Chinese and European design. The ground floor was used for commercial activities and the upper floor as living space for the family.

The older street of Jalan Tukang has more varied display of design as compared to others. Till today, the corner Lee Chang Long goldsmith shop stands as a Kajang landmark. Formerly named Hong Bee, i.e. Low Ti Kok’s shop had a panel of cast-iron floral motif (picture) which was torn down and replaced by flat wall some years ago.

Another big shop house at the end of the row along with Maybank has a third storey and a balcony overlooking Langat River. This building was owned by Towkay Low Boon Liew who was a rich man in Kajang and a philanthropist. He was a committee member of the then Kuomintang branch in Kajang. There is an emblem of the party engraved which is still noticeable even though part of it had broken off during a fire some years ago.

In Langat 14th Mile, the eye-catching distinguish old shop house of Woon Family has a big KMT emblem at its back facing the Langat River. Its owner was Towkay Woon Peng. Further down the end of the old town across the river, there is another old building which was built using compact earth, a traditional Hakka technology. The owner was Chong Koon Lin, a successful businessman involved in tin mining and was appointed as council member of Selangor Sanitary Board.

The flag of Kuomintang consists of a twelve ray sun
(originating from the twelve traditional Chinese hours of
the day) to symbolize the spirit of progress. The flag forms
the Canton of the flag of the Republic of China

Article and photos by Lee Kim Sin
email :

Monday, August 27, 2007

Low Ti Kok

LOW TI KOK (1877 -1942)

Low Ti Kok was born in a village called Kuimei, Anxi District of Fujian Province, China. It was then under the government of Manchu Dynasty, i.e. Guangxu 3rd Year according to the Chinese calendar. He arrive in Klang at his youthful age of 20 and later moved inland to Serendah, Selangor where he helped his uncle in his business. Three years later he moved to Kuala Lumpur to seek better opportunities. He managed to make his living and with some savings, he went back to his homeland and married a village lady of surname Lee.

Low Ti Kok arrived in Kajang at the age of 28 and started his venture into alcohol and sundries business. Later, he found tin mining and rubber planting a good business which proof him successful and made him a rich man in town. Mr. Low was a philanthropist and had been very generous in contributing to Anti-Japanese invasion of China during the late 1930s. He was elected as Chairman of the Hulu Langat District Nanyang Homeland Aid Committee ( Nanyang Huaqiao Chouzhenhui). Besides his commitment in providing aid to war victims in his homeland, he was the main contributor to the reconstruction of Yu Hua School which was completed in 1918. Today, Yu Hua School Hall is named in his honor. He was also perceived as aides to the British colonialist government in settling dispute within local community and assisted the authority in local development. He was honored Justice of Peace by the Queen besides naming the road in front of Yu Hua School as Low Ti Kok Road or Jalan Low Ti Kok.

Mr. Low passed away in 1942 at his house in Hong Bee Estate in Sungai Jelok. A Grand Funeral procession was carried out after the Japanese surrendered in 1945. His body was buried in the Hokkien Cemetery just behind Kajang High School. Today, the Hulu Langat Hokkien Association building standing along Jalan Timur was formerly the mansion of the late Low Ti Kok, JP.

This article was contributed by
Mr. Lee Kim Sin
email :

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Broga Durian and Fruit Season

In July 2007 a group of friends were offered the opportunity to a durian party from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm at the durian orchard for only RM$ 10.00 per person. Our friends decided it was too early to start eating durian at 8 in the morning but we will come prepare by having a very light breakfast so that we will have durian feast later. Ten of them arrived at Broga Rukun Tetanga Post at around 12 and were treated to durians by Ah Leong (on the right) our durian seller cum chief cook of the restaurant (Restaurant 12-12) beside the Rukun Tetangga Post.

KC and myself decided to come in around 2.00 pm and it was the right decision as the first group had eaten almost 30 durian fruits of various type. By this time they started eating mangosteen (local fruit), rambutans and "dokong" a hybrid of "duku langsat". Sometimes human behaviour are predictable for RM$10 they want the money's worth of RM$100. We started enjoying ourselves and by 3.00 pm everyone was "surrendering" and "no more! I can't eat anymore!" but when Kenny another durian seller came to assist by choosing the better tasting variety. They could still eat a few more, greedy Malaysians at his best.

We took a breather and KC who brought a stove and tea pots to prepare tea for everyone. Chan Meng suggested pouring some water into the durian husk for drinking as this is known to reduced the "heat" from our body due to eating durians. Instead of water we used tea and coined a new name "teh O durian".

Later we proceeded to Dragon Fruit Farm (Broga) or Happy Fruit Land which is located about 2km from Broga Town towards Beranang Town to meet up with another group of friends from KL for a trek up Bukit Beranang. After durian feast we wanted to burn up the calories and what better way with a one and half hours trek. As we arrive at the farm our other friends were already eating fruits including durians. None of the first group dare to eat another durian no matter how they coaxed us.

We started trekking along a rubber plantation trail and followed a mark trail up towards a secondary forest and pass through many "lallang" (weed grass) before reaching the peak known as Bukit Beranang where you can view the Beranang Town, Semenyih Town and Broga Town. Later we trek back to the Dragon Fruit Farm, rested and took a bath at the farm and dinner from the fresh farm produce and karaoke away belting songs like Englebert Humperdink, Theresa Teng, Nat King Cole etc. We really enjoyed ourselves and plan to come again.

A video of a insect stick that looks like a twig.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Kajang High School - Class 77 Reunion

On 7-7-2007, 7.00pm at Prescott Inn, Kajang. About 100 of us gathered together after leaving Kajang High School 30 years ago. Many of us have not seen or met each other for the past 20 to 30 years. How many of us have change, gray hair, bigger face (receding hair line), big belly, heavier and what a laugh as we tried to recall their names.

In pursuit of better life each one of us went our ways discovering bit by bit about ourselves through new experiences. Some went to further their studies, some joined the work force and others venture into business. After 30 years leaving school most of us agreed that the 5 years we spent in secondary school KHS was the most memorable one. It is here the formation of our characters starts to take place forming the foundation and traits of our behavior that will give the uniqueness of each and everyone of us. The teenage years were the discovery years and the belief that we could do no wrong was a myth. Teachers played such an important role with them not realizing it but they played their part of a part time guardian teaching us, guiding us and punishing us when we break the rules. Teachers of those years are unique lots as we come to realize their commitment as a teacher. Teachers then was more focused without the interference and the stresses of todays' lifestyles.

As the emcee, Hock Hai congratulates each and everyone of us for being present in this memorable occasion. Then he proceeded to thank the teachers who were present and the Class of 77 gave a standing ovation and applause in appreciation to the teachers. The Headmaster Encik Mohammad Sani gave a speech, still as witty and humorous and yet commanding showing a glimpse of his past. Teachers that were present were Mr. Hong Foo Wah, Mr. Yong Bang Kuang, Mr. Chin Ket Poh, Mrs. Ong, Mr. Siwnan, Mr. C. Pelly, Mr. Jeyaratnam and Mrs. Sim. Later after dinner, all were treated to a slide presentation showing the past and present. Everyone was attentive as we went down memory lane and some shed a tear or two. As with each passing slide it dawn on us that those memories became clearer and it was a connection that all of us shared.

We took class photos but not all from the past were present and so we join classes for the photo shoot. Later, we had "down memory lane" sharing, Steven Hiew Ming Foong was the first to share his most memorable experienced when how he bit the finger of Mr. Siwnan and finally "apologize" now and a gesture by putting a plaster around Mr. Siwnan's finger. Another was Ragavan who was appointed by Mr. Jeyaratnam to be the class monitor. Ragavan after two weeks requested to resign from his post because he was bullied by the class. Ragavan continued after Mr. Jeyaratnam ticked off the class. Another class mate Heng Ken Ng share the many times he was being slapped ever since primary school till secondary school and he complained that it was a bad experienced. Everyone laughed and had very good feelings from hearing these personal sharing as we began to understand what a bunch we were during those school carefree days.

Finally in closing we requested that we meet again in 2017 and immediately the teachers requested an earlier date (obvious reason "age") and everyone burst out laughing and the committee jokingly promised transportation will be provided. In 10 years time we will be 57 and the teachers will be in the 70's to 80's, how time flies when old friends meet. To those who were not present please leave us a note or your contact here so that Tony Choo and Hock Hai can update the Class of 77 database.


To view photo gallery click on the photo above

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Kajang High School - Poem

My Beloved School
Labor Omnia Vincit

Up on the hill
Standing proud and still
Old and yet beautiful
Is my beloved school.
Born on the 1st of April
Fifty eight years ago,
On a day known as April’s fool,
She was christened
Kajang High School.
Boys and girls go to her,
To acquire knowledge from the wise
The country will have brilliant leaders,
With her everyone is happy,
Though sometimes a little naughty,
These carefree and happy days
Will be cherished in the future days,
I wish that time will pass slower,
So that I could stay here longer,
And don’t have to say goodbye
so soon,
To my beloved school.

Pau Kah Heng Form 4 Sc. 1
Written in 1977

The School 7-7-2007 12.43pm

Friday, June 1, 2007

Something Out Of Kajang - The Ancient Chinese Art of Face Mask Changing

During my visit to Shenzen Cultural Village, China, we had dinner along with this performance of Changing Face Mask often done with a blink of an eye and no matter how many times you watch and wonder how it is done. Watch Closely! Don't Blink!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dangerous Junctions - Kajang Traffic

I have seen Kajang traffic grew by leaps and bounds since 1978 especially I obtained my driving license. The first thing I did was to invite my friend Ng Yen Tien (migrated to Australia), together we left on a 200km journey exploring Kuala Lumpur from 11.00pm till 4.00am with my father's car which run on diesel and for less than $8.00, at todays petrol prices probably you will be able to reach Mid Valley, period. Driving in Kajang in those days was really stress free unlike today, drivers need to be considerate be it driving slow or fast and always remember that there are others who are also using the road like you. I did have my fair share of receiving traffic summons and accidents and with that comes the experience knowing how to avoid the avoidable situations like not "speeding" at certain stretch of the road at a certain time if you know what I mean, and being cautious and attentive otherwise it will be a costly affair.

There are three dangerous junctions in Kajang where I find that by placing proper signboard and traffic lights with proper maintenance, many accidents could have been avoided. Due to maybe "tidak apa attitude" people just complained or "curse" when approaching this junctions and once they pass through it, they would nod and forget about it. For the poor fella who are involved in accidents in these junctions just have to experience the hassle of making police reports and insurance claims.

The first Junction is the Bandar Teknologi Kajang entry and exit, here I could not understand since its opening till today and after numerous accidents and near misses, still there are no traffic lights installed. Every time when I visit my friends who lives there, after that if you want exit towards Semenyih you will need to be very patient as there are many vehicles coming from Semenyih. Last I heard is that there are road works going on but for how long?. And till the day they finally install the traffic lights..."That will be the day..." as the song goes.

The second Junction is in town, in front of RHB bank, cars coming in from the Jalan Semenyih road is the right of way going towards the Metro Plaza direction but cars coming from left (Taxi Station) sometimes think that they have the right of way, so what happens, somebody will be starring like you have to give way or else... and some just bull doze their way through. If somebody just refuse to give way, accidents would result. There use to be a "Stop-Look-Go" road sign but it is missing maybe due to scrap metal collectors or poor maintenance, the authorities concerned should provide regular inspections to ensure that road signs are in place.

The third Junction is the many entry and exit points along Sungai Chua road from BP station to Vinny Plaza. There are just too many entry and exits without proper road sign. Sometimes cars going in and out where ever is convenient to them but dangerous to others. Either install road dividers or have proper road signs.

If you have further comments put it here and I believe with enough complaint and suggestions the MPKj and the counsellors would take note and especially with the expected up coming general elections, their actions will be scrutinized.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kajang High School

In the year January 1973, I had been transfered to Kajang High School (KHS) the most prestigious school at that time, it was all male school only to have its history rewritten when they admit girls for the Form 6 classes. Everything was strange and different because in the primary school at Hill Street Kajang we had new buildings but in KHS it was colonial design, the building looked very stately like and very grand. As the main building was built in April 1 1930 and its opening was graced by His Royal Highness Sultan Alaiddin Suleiman Shah K.C.M.G. Sultan of Selangor. As the years past the building at its present site undergo many changes to what it is today. The picture on the right is the right wing, photo taken from road leading up to the main complex.

As boy scouts member we would always be active during most of the school's activities like sports day, cross country run etc. and on other occasions we would camp at our scout house (use to be located just behind the present KHS hall). During our camps we would collect bamboos from the opposite hill (now Bukit Mewah) and build many gadgets like tables and chairs just to test our scouting skills. And at night we would have campfire gatherings and our seniors would tell stories about KHS from ghost stories to the Japanese occupation and especially there were secret tunnels on the border of KHS and the Hockkien Cemetery. So during the day we went looking for secret tunnels and we found them, with fear and anxiety we climb down one particular tunnel which was about 6 feet deep and once inside there were connecting underground tunnels. It was dark except for the sun light through the tunnel, it was covered with cobweb we dare not venture further as it was near the cemetery, pretty scary for a young boy scout.

Sleeping in the school class rooms was also "hair raising" experience, at one particular dark night around 20 of us decided to sleep in the classroom in the main school building and somewhere after midnight, we were still awake and we heard footsteps along the corridor, without hesitating we rush out to see who it was. There was no one............. except.............. ... foot steps...........was clearly heard, really hair raising experience. Till today things still happened in the night without explanation.

KHS had many outstanding students, one of them who was transfered from another school (Victoria Institution) to Kajang High School was Tan Sri Dato' Dr. David Tan Chee Khoon who was a outstanding boy scout and also a patrol leader. Here is an extract ...

Tan Sri Dato' Dr David Tan Chee Khoon, born on 4 March 1919, was a V.I. student at High Street and later at the new V.I. in 1937-1938. He is perhaps the most renowned and respected Malaysian opposition leader of all time. He was also a most selfless doctor, a tireless educationalist, a humble christian and an avid reader and writer to boot. His two sons- Tan Kee Keong and Tan Kee Kwong - were Victorians (and doctors) as well. The latter was also the V.I. School Captain in 1965 and is now the Deputy Minister for Land and Co-operative Development. Tan Sri was close to his alma mater, and he even attended both the Centenary Countdown and Centenary Dinner in 1993. The following is the story of Tan Sri's inspirational life, extracted from his autobiography, Tan Chee Khoon: From Village Boy to Mr Opposition and from various articles.

If you have interesting stories about KHS you are welcomed and If you happened to be a KHS old boy or Class of 77, they will be having reunion dinner in 7 of July 2007 (7/07/2007) you can contact

Tony Choo 012-3667833 or
Kwan Hock Hai 019-2279209, 03-21635848

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hash House Harriers - Kajang Hash Begining


Hashing began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1938, when a small group of British colonial officials and expatriates, Cecil Lee, Frederick "Horse" Thomson, Ronald "Torch" Bennett, and a British accountant of Catalan descent Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert(A.S Gispert), a casual group who would meet after work on Monday evenings to run, following a paper trail, through the environs of Kuala Lumpur to get rid of the excesses of the previous weekend. There was another member of the group, John Woodrow, who is rarely credited as one of the founders as he left Malaysia after the war to return home to his family in Scotland.

After running for some months they were approached by the Registrar of Societies, who advised them that, as they were a "group" they would require a Constitution (the aims of which are reproduced below) and a name. A.S. Gispert (known as "G") suggested the name. Hash House Harriers... Click on this for more hash details

By the year 2007 there are about 2000 chapters (clubs) in major cities and towns. In the beginning Hashing members were strictly Male and only later did they include Females and today there are all male chapters, mixed chapters and even children (to promote as a family outing). The history of Hashing in Kajang begin in the year 1988 and had its first run in Bukit Angkat Kajang. This chapter is known as Kajang Hash House Harriers (KH3, mix chapter) later another mix chapter was form by the name of Hulu Langat Hash House Harriers, followed by Batang Kajang H3 (BKH3, Male chapter). In the year 2000, Cheras Hash House Harriers & Harrierts (CH4, Mix Chapter) and the latest is Kajang Happy Happy Happy Hash House Horrors (subsidiary of BKH3,KH6, mix and includes children). There are many publicity about hash clubs but this slogan says it all "A running club with a drinking problem". Today there are members who are non-drinkers and drinkers.

Each member of the club will host a run regularly at the same time and same day of the week and he or she is known as the hare. He would have to set a run by choosing a run site for eg. Broga Rock Temple, he would enter the trail usually 3 to 4 hours earlier to lay papers to guide the other runners. A good run will typically last from an hour to two where all the runners safely returned to the run site. Whereby members and guest can drink and have a meal. After the "run" members would form a "circle" (informal meeting) to listen to news and jokes where members would like to enjoy their evening among hash friends. Some generous hares (host) would on their "run" sponsors T-Shirts for every member and guest and throw a sumptuous feast usually at a restaurant (NOT compulsory, can be at the run site with a simple meal).

Goldprick Chin says his most memorable run "my first run was at Bkt. Angkat Kajang, the hare was Mr. Tai Lin Yoong, it was such a long run with many hills going up and down it was agony but as soon as I reach the run site it felt dammed good"

Many hashers have many memorable runs which is why they joined the club, to the other hashers out there I am sure you have a memorable experience to share you can always put your story here.

Hash Runs every Week, For further information contact the below hasher (Normally each hash member will be baptized with a new name hence the funny names)

Kajang Hash House Harriers (KH3-Mix Chapters), Approx. 140 members, Runs every Saturday at 6.00pm
Contact Hasher Mr. Funtoong H/P 013-3388236

Hulu Langat Hash House Harriers (HL4-Mix Chapters), Approx. 100 members, Runs every Saturday at 6.00pm.
Contact Hasher

Batang Kajang Hash House Harriers (BKH3-Male Chapters), Approx. 100 members, Runs every Wednesday at 6.00pm.
Contact Hasher Mr. Goldprick Chin H/P 019-3383005

Kajang Happy Happy Happy Hash House Horrors (KH6-Mix with children chapters). Runs on alternate Sundays at 5.00pm
Contact Hasher Mr. Half Chicken H/P 012-6557093
he is the owner in the mentioned "Barbecue Chicken, Duck and Pork- Kajang Food"

Cheras Hash House Harriers & Harriettes (CH4-Mix chapter), Approx. 180 members, Runs every Tuesday at 6.00pm
Contact Hasher Mr. Funtoong H/P 013-3388236

Recent Addition:-

Danau Toba Hash House Harriers (DTH3)

Founded by Ibrahim Wong (member of Batang Kajang Hash

House Harriers (BKH3)) on the 9th July 2004. Co-founders: Lau

Lin San, Cowlin, Bicycle Man, Crazy Guy, Crazy Horse, Sakai,

Fatty Dragon, Pig Leg, Big John Silver and Piss Off.

Inaugural run (Thai Tao Run) was held on the 17 June 2005

at Phuket Island, Thailand. Men hash only. Runs monthly

on the 3rd Friday at 1800 hours.

Contact Ibrahim Wong at 016-316 7666.

Happy Hashing

Monday, April 9, 2007

Barbecued Chicken, Duck and Pork or Chicken Rice - Kajang Food

Years even before western fast food came into existence, Malaysians already started on the many varieties of Asian food available throughout the day and night and in many towns and cities. In Kajang town which is famously known as the 'Satay Town' where travelers will stop to enjoy the barbecued meat skewed with a short stick. There is another type of barbecued meat which others have slowly come to enjoy is the 'char siew fun' or 'char siew kai'.

Tucked away in a coffee shop next to Kajang's wet market is a stall called 'Leck Kee' which is actually a branch of the 'Leck Kee' of Semenyih Town. It operates during lunch hour from 11.00am to 3.00pm and are sold out usually by 2.00pm. Patrons sometimes have to queue for a table and sometimes a long queue for take away orders. The shops here used to be from Kajang Bazaar ( aerial view of Kajang town, the right hand side of the round about) and consists of many small eateries, sticker shop, newspaper, barber etc..

The 'char siew' or roasted pork belly is a mixture of fats and lean meat has a nice dark reddish colour and authentic tastes. Other than this dish you can try the 'char siew kai' (barbecue chicken), 'char siew up' (barbecue duck) and 'siew nyoke' (roast pork). Once you arrived at this stall you can't help noticing the stall owner with his stylish dyed hair. He can be quite snappy when your order is confusing to him or when there is a long queue but having our meal here on many occasions you find him sometimes amusing. He is also known as 'half chicken' or 'pun chaq kai' to many of his patrons, he got his name by being a member of the Batang Kajang Hash House Harriers club (will post a story about the Hash clubs of Kajang later).

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Another Fire - Early Morning News 4th April 2007 - Kajang News

This morning a few shophouses was on fire just in front of Metro Plaza and TNB office, billowing black smoke is seen from far. Roads from the Main Street, Jalan Reko, Jalan Tukang and Jalan Sulaiman was closed to traffic causing a massive jam. By noon the fire was brought under control by firemen from Kajang Fire Station. Reports by Patrick Chin from nearby shops reported that the Bicycle shop (corner shop facing Metro Plaza) was completely destroyed, second shop selling home plastic wares was almost completely burn only front portion left standing and the third shop's (Bonanza) back portion was destroyed. A sad incident for owners and espcially for the Home Plastic wares whom had experienced from a previous fire, (see story - Big Fire in Kajang Town). Sources said that the fire may have been caused by tenants cooking on the second floor of the bicycle shop, others says due to a short circuit. What ever is the caused will be investigated by the authorities. At this time there is no report of casualty but damages to property and stock could amount to a RM1 million. Photographs will be posted once it is obtained from friends who took pictures of the incident.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Fried Hockkien Mee - Kajang Story

If you look at the aerial view of Kajang Town, you will notice to the right of the roundabout and also the right of the Shell Petrol Station, that is the location of Kajang Bazaar and due to development they have all moved to various places like behind Mendaling Street and Medan Selera on the right of the Kajang Market. In those days other than Satay the other talk about food is the fried Hockkien Mee (thick chinese noodles). I use to frequent this busy restaurant called CHIN KEE RESTAURANT located in store no. 57, Kajang Bazaar. It also boast of a record dishing out a huge 80kg of Hockkien Mee in one night, that is roughly equivalent to serving about 800 person at this restaurant. Chin Kee Restaurant chief cook and proprietor was the late Mr. Low Lee Chin

Today you can savour this original taste of Chin Kee Restaurant style of cooking handed down to his youngest son Robert Low who operates a fusion of asian and western restaurant call FELICIDAD RESTAURANT & CAFE (please ask him what the name means) located at No. 75A Jalan 1, Taman Sri Langat, Jalan Reko. In the 60's my family and myself included used to frequent this hockkien mee along with other dishes which is just as tasty. In those days there weren't many food stalls and sometimes even at 2.00am when we feel hungry, we would just grab a bicycle and come out here to eat this favorite tasting mee (definitely better than instant noodle).

Robert Low who also happens to be my childhood friend is also a Yo-Yo expert who had traveled to countries like Japan, Columbia, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, USA, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Jordan, Thailand & Singapore to participate in Yo-Yo competition. He achieved a world ranking No. 8 at the 2000 Proyo Challenge in Phoenix, Arizona USA. While traveling, with cooking still in his blood he would always find opportunity to learn various types of dishes and one such dish is the Hungarian Goulash taught by an Austrian, Mr. Wolfgang.

Well I found his restaurant in a very unique setting compared to his fathers' and the Hockkien mee is still as good as before mmmmm. He decorates his cafe with Yo-Yos, and collections of his hobbies, interesting. We used to play yo-yo when we were about 12 years old, I stopped but he hasn't, imagine a elderly looking guy playing with yo-yo and if you talk about yo-yo ask him to show you his collection from antique ones to very high tech ones, about 700pcs in his collection. Well if you are not a fan of Hockkien mee you can always try the Hun....Gou.... gee...! I wonder how you pronounce it. If you were to ask around the older generation, I wonder whether they can still remember Chin Kee Hockkien mee.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Broga - A Cool Place to Exercise, Fresh Air and A Great Scenic View

Broga village which is about 8km from Semenyih Town is situated in a valley surrounded by a range of hills on the left and right. The population here I was told by the locals consists of about 500 families living before WWII. Broga town was recently link to a controversial site for the building of a incinerator which spark a nation wide protest from locals to foreigner. To go there just take the trunk road to Seremban from Kajang, go past the Semenyih Police Station and just after the Petronas Petrol Station there is a traffic light, turn left go through a winding stretch of road. Along the way you will pass a sanctuary for the orphan and the aged managed by the Desa Amal Jireh Group (Jireh Charity Village), Which should be operational anytime soon). After that Taman Tasik Semenyih (residential housing area) is also on the left and soon you will come to Nottingham University Campus. You will soon notice a barren hill with a beautiful hilly backdrop. Popularly known as Broga Hill (click on this link for full map and Broga Hill Post)

The primary economic activities here are mainly farming (local vegetables), rubber plantations, palm oil, fishing ponds, fish farming, durian and lately dragon fruit. There is also a famous Broga Rock Temple where people come from near and far to seek divine help and intervention to their lifes. Among other things Broga used to be famous for is restaurant cook wild meat supplied by the orang asli nearby but now banned. Occasionally they may still supplied these illegal wild meat. During the months of June to September which is the durian fruit season and people will come here to enjoy the durians from special grade to the jungle grade. The prices here are reasonable and definitely delicious. There are many trekking trails which lead you to different hill peaks with different scenery and on top of the first Broga "botak" hill you can view the KL Tower on a clear day.

Every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays a group of friends will gather (Rock Temple car park) here just before 6.00pm to trek up the hills. The trekking time will usually take about 1 hour for try the reasonably fit and the normal around 1 1/2 hour. The starting point is at the Rock Temple car park (see top photo). They will walk about 1 km down hill and turn left at the rubber plantation. Another 1 km through the rubber trees and you will start ascending uphill for about 5 - 7 minutes, this will take you past some banana trees, durian, lime and other type of fruit trees. At the top of this first hill you can view part of the valley, you will be enjoying a good workout. Taking a short half minute breather continue the trek down a gentle slope along the rubber tappers trail before turning left steeply through large rocks and boulders. Here on wards for another 15 - 20 minutes it is a steep trek upwards, about 4 short hills before stopping on a flat terrain with various types of fruit trees. The altitude here is around 500 ft above sea level.

Here you can a good view of the valley with the sun setting on the west, sometimes the whole valley is lighted up with some areas cast in shadow. It is a wonderful view and sometimes breezy. From here another 15 minutes a slight uphill slope before a descending all the way to the view point behind the Rock Temple (see 2ND photo). Here you can view the whole of Broga in a panoramic 3D view. For those who still need additional work out can do it here before descending all the way to the car park. You can take a bath and change at the many bathrooms (male/female) located beside the temple. And the Rock Temple is also surrounded by many statues and a beautiful garden at the top. By nightfall the village becomes alive with many bicycles and motor bikes moving here and there. Usually we will have our dinner here before going home. Highly recommended is a little restaurant just beside the Rukun Tetanga Broga office which serves delicious Claypot Fish Porridge and others. Other restaurants nearby (air-con) are also recommended. A great place to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of a little town Broga.

To join Friends of Broga for a good exercise or just to meet new friends and definitely for the young and old every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can call
Mr. Wong +6012-2897223 or
Miss KC +6019-3339825.